To all my readers out there, I apologize for not blogging in over a week! Although it is no excuse, I am in the middle of finals here in Philadelphia, and my time is being eaten up by a cumulative history of a Philadelphia Row house and a site critique on Society Hill. It looks like I will not be able to resume my daily blogging until this Friday when all my work is due and I will be free and clear for a full three weeks! Although I run the risk of boring you, my inner preservationist just can’t help it! Today I will leave you with some photos of Society Hill, here in Philadelphia, before and after the urban renewal project that took place in the 1950s and 1960s.
400 South Second Street, or West Side of Head House Square – 1950s
100 Delancey Street – present day
100 Delancey Street – 1950s
Thanks again for reading, and to all of you who have written me such lovely comments – thanks for the encouragement, and keep on the lookout for upcoming “Christmas in Connecticut” posts!
I just discovered your site. I love your historical posts, they’re so interesting. Please post more
A colleague just sent me this link to your blog b/c it featured some shots of the block on which our office is situated (412 South 2nd St). Society Hill is a great neighborhood and I recall older relatives say this area was a complete slum before redevelopment by Bacon in the 50s and 60s… Did you know its name is from the Free Society of Traders with its proximity to the Delaware River and originaly was called Society’s Hill but later morphed into Society Hill.
Thanks for showcasing, you have a fun blog.