Which is what I feel like saying to my thesis, although perhaps not in such appropriate terms. In the vein of “let them eat cake” thought I would post some kitchens I love. You all have seen most of these, as I have posted them in the past, but they make me happy just looking at them – and I could use it. From now until a week from Friday, do not expect many involved posts from me, I am slammed at school! But hey, a week from Friday I will be a free woman, done with graduate school. April 30th, is not only my birthday, but the first day of the rest of my life. Pretty cool, huh?
Photos courtesy of House Beautiful, Elle Decor, GP Schafer Architects, Martha Stewart
What great inspiration! Love that teal and chocolate one with the little drum pendants…so cute and quirky…Great finds!
Btw, Haute Khuuture just celebrated the 1-year mark and I’m celebrating with a HUGE giveway! Would love to see you stop by when you get a chance!
Happy Tuesday hun!
Haute Khuuture Blog
Though each unique, I think they each represent my “dream” kitchen…lovely, lovely!