Gaga for Gambrel

Gambrel 4Good Morning Lacquered Lifers! Picking paint colors is one of my favorite things that I do for clients, and today I want to share with you one of my favorite interior designers who’s paint schemes are constantly inspiring me – Steven Gambrel. Gambrel does amazing things with paint … sometimes it is bold, and sometimes it is subtle, but what he does is never simple. It is not strange to see a Gambrel designed room with five different paint colors, and while that may sound busy, it rarely is. Gambrel’s colors are always working together to achieve the right balance in a given room, and often the color scheme is so beautiful that your brain doesn’t even compute that there is more than one wall color and one trim color at work. He also never misses an opportunity to paint a ceiling, a piece of a room that people often forget about. So here are a few of my favorite Gambrel paint schemes, perhaps we can turn it into a game – how many colors in each room? Gambrel 5 Gambrel 6 Gambrel Gambrel 2 Gambrel 3

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