It only took opening the garden gate to the 20 acres surrounding this c. 1795 home in Woodbury, CT for homeowner Nancy Fishelson to know that this was the one. And while a warren of rooms with low ceilings and very little light presented a challenge, Fishelson took it on wholeheartedly while paying deference to the 18th century farmhouse’s roots. After removing a brick wall and doing away with the small casement windows, Fishelson installed a bank of twelve over eight windows above the sink and countertops. Twelve over eight windows are some of my absolute favorites, and are both a period and regionally appropriate choice for an 18th century Connecticut Farmhouse.
Aren’t the Fireslate sink and countertops beautiful? I am not usually a huge fan of manufactured stone, but this Fireslate looks extremely natural.
To widen the opening between the kitchen and living room, Fishelson used salvaged antique beams to complement the existing beams in the kitchen. For more photos of this successful Connecticut restoration, visit Country Living.
Photos via Country Living