1. Chippendale Planter /2. Meyer Lemon Tree /3. Chic Gardening Tools /4. Attractive Watering Can /5. Terra Cotta Planter /6. Olive Tree /7. Copper Labels /8. Teak Planter /9. In the Garden by Stacy Bass
You all know that I am not the gardener in the family, that skill falls to my husband. He loves our garden and all its faults, enjoying the challenge of making things grow and keeping them alive and hopefully blooming. You don’t need to have a large outdoor space to have a garden of your own, all you need are a couple of pots and a watering can. So don’t be discouraged if you live in an apartment with no outdoor space. Pots of plants can be very happy on a fire escape. So today some of my favorite things in the garden and for the garden. Happy planting.
We currently live in a small rental house but manage to grow a handful of herbs and veggies in pots. And by we I mean my husband hah! We also have a lemon and an olive tree, like you’ve shown above, they’re a little tricker due to size but still fun. Good luck!